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Physiotherapy, also known as physical therapy, is a healthcare profession focused on improving and restoring physical function, mobility, and quality of life through therapeutic exercise, manual therapy, education, and other modalities. Blue Lotus Hospital has been proving a complete package of advanced physiotherapy services by registered physiotherapists of Nepal. Physiotherapists work with individuals of all ages who have medical conditions, illnesses, or injuries that limit their ability to move and function effectively. Here are some key aspects of physiotherapy.

  1. Assessment and Diagnosis: Physiotherapists assess each individual’s condition, taking into account their medical history, symptoms, physical limitations, and goals. They use a variety of assessment techniques, including observation, palpation, range of motion testing, strength testing, and functional movement analysis.
  2. Treatment Planning: Based on the assessment findings, physiotherapists develop personalized treatment plans tailored to the individual’s specific needs and goals. Treatment plans may include a combination of therapeutic exercises, manual therapy techniques (such as massage, joint mobilization, and manipulation), electrotherapy modalities (such as ultrasound, electrical stimulation, and laser therapy), and education.
  3. Therapeutic Exercise: Therapeutic exercise plays a central role in physiotherapy interventions. Physiotherapists prescribe exercises to improve strength, flexibility, endurance, balance, coordination, and posture. These exercises are often customized to target specific muscle groups or movement patterns related to the individual’s condition.
  4. Manual Therapy: Manual therapy techniques involve hands-on manipulation and mobilization of soft tissues and joints to improve mobility, reduce pain, and enhance function. Physiotherapists may use techniques such as massage, stretching, joint mobilization, and manipulation to address musculoskeletal issues and promote tissue healing.
  5. Pain Management: Physiotherapists help individuals manage pain through various approaches, including manual therapy, therapeutic exercise, modalities such as heat and cold therapy, and education on pain management strategies and self-care techniques.
  6. Rehabilitation and Recovery: Physiotherapy plays a vital role in rehabilitation and recovery from injuries, surgeries, and medical conditions. Physiotherapists guide individuals through progressive rehabilitation programs aimed at restoring function, improving mobility, and preventing recurrence of injuries.
  7. Prevention and Health Promotion: Physiotherapists educate individuals about injury prevention, ergonomics, posture, and healthy lifestyle habits to promote long-term physical health and well-being. They may also work with athletes to optimize performance and reduce the risk of sports-related injuries.

अन्य उपचारका बिधिहरु:

  • मोक्जिवुसन
  • अकुप्रेसर
  • मसाज थेरापी
  • स्टीम बाथ
  • कपिङ थेरापी / फायर कपिङ
  • अग्निकर्म
  • डाइट चार्ट
  • जीवनशैली परिवर्तन
  • Assessment and Diagnosis
  • Treatment Planning
  • Therapeutic Exercise
  • Manual Therapy
  • Prevention and Health Promotion

विशेष उपचार हुने रोगहरु:

  • ढाड तथा कम्मर दुख्ने,
  • घुँडा दुख्ने, गर्दन दुख्ने, जोर्नी दुख्ने,
  • हड्डी खिइएको, नसा च्यापिएको,
  • पिनास, टाउको दुख्ने, माइग्रेन,
  • हातखुट्टा झम्झमाउने,पोल्ने र लाटो हुने,
  • सिल्का हान्ने, करेन्ट लागे जस्तो हुने, झस्झस् गर्ने,
  • सेरेब्रल पल्सी, हातखुट्टा सुक्दै जाने,
  • प्यारालाइसिस्,
  • मुख बाङ्गिएको,
  • डिप्रेशन,पार्किन्सन, निन्द्रा नलाग्ने,
  • ग्यास्ट्रिक्स, कब्जियत, जन्डिस,
  • पायल्स, फिसर, फिस्टुला,
  • कान कराउने, कान नसुन्ने,
  • मोटोपना
  • महिलाहरुमा हुने श्वेतप्रदर, पिडादायिक महिनवारी तथा महिनावारी गडबढी,
  • पुरुषहरुमा हुने यौन शिथिलता, तथा यौन सम्बन्धी कजोरीहरु ।